Under-Reported Abuse

It’s difficult to estimate the exact frequency of panty theft, as it is a crime that often goes unreported or is not taken seriously. However, there have been various reported incidents of panty theft over the years, and it is considered a serious violation of privacy and personal boundaries. It is important to remember that any form of non-consensual sexual behavior, including panty theft, is not acceptable and can have long-lasting effects on the victim’s mental and emotional well-being.

Left Exposed To Peers

It is difficult to estimate the frequency of panty theft as it is not often reported to authorities. Additionally, some individuals may feel embarrassed or ashamed to report this type of crime. However, panty theft is a serious issue that can cause emotional distress and violate an individual’s privacy and sense of safety. It is important to recognize that any form of unwanted touching or taking of someone’s personal belongings without their consent is a violation of their boundaries and can be considered a form of sexual assault.

Join Stealing Panties IS Sexual Assault Foundation 501(c)(3) in Changing Lives

Welcome to “Stealing Panties IS Sexual Assault 501(c)(3)”, the nonprofit organization founded by Jade Ann Byrne to raise awareness about the serious issue of stealing panties as a form of sexual assault. We believe that this behavior is not only illegal, but also deeply harmful and traumatizing for its victims.

Stealing panties is a violation of a person’s privacy and dignity, and can cause significant emotional distress and trauma. It is a form of sexual assault that often goes unrecognized and under-reported, but we are committed to changing that. Our mission is to educate the public about the harmful effects of stealing panties, and to provide support and resources for those who have been victimized.

Through our programs and initiatives, we seek to create a world where stealing panties is not only considered unacceptable, but where victims receive the support and justice they deserve. We work to raise awareness about the issue, to promote prevention strategies, and to empower survivors to speak out and seek help.

At “Stealing Panties IS Sexual Assault 501(c)(3)”, we believe that everyone has the right to feel safe and secure in their own bodies and homes. We are committed to ending the culture of sexual violence that allows this behavior to persist, and to creating a world where all people are respected and valued.

Thank you for joining us in this important work, and for helping us to make a difference in the lives of those who have been affected by this form of sexual assault. Together, we can create a safer and more just world for everyone.

Need help from Stealing Panties IS Sexual Assault Foundation?

We are here to help you.

Are you in need of assistance? Our team is here to help. We understand the impact that panty theft can have on a person, and we are dedicated to providing support to those affected. Whether you’re seeking counseling or guidance on legal matters, we’re here to offer resources and assistance. Please reach out with your story to use directly and we will listen.

Advocate and Educate for Stealing Panties IS Sexual Assault Foundation.

Will you help give back to Stealing Panties IS Sexual Assault Foundation?

Be a savior to those to come

Is this topic something that churns hidden feelings? Let’s shield our future leaders from such deplorable acts. Do you have a project or idea you’d like to collaborate on? We’re open to exploring new possibilities and ideas for spreading our message and reaching a wider audience. Whether it’s through events, social media campaigns, or other creative means, we’re eager to work with others who share our vision for a safer and more inclusive world.


Stealing Panties IS Sexual Assault nON-pROIT Foundation 501(c)(3) Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is panty theft?

A: Panty theft is the act of violating someone’s privacy without consent, trespassing someone’s property, and removing the panties from someone’s property without their permission or consent.

Q: Is panty theft illegal?

A: Yes, panty theft is a form of theft and is illegal. It is also considered a form of sexual assault and while challenging can be prosecuted as such. We a presently drafting a bill in the State of California that would treat each offense as a felony sexual assault for each pair of underwear taken from the person with penalties as high as Bringing The Death Penalty Back.

Q: What are the consequences of panty theft?

A: Panty theft can cause significant emotional distress and trauma for the victim. It is a violation of their privacy and dignity and can result in feelings of shame and humiliation. In addition, it can have legal consequences such as fines and imprisonment.

Q: Why is panty theft considered a form of sexual assault?

A: Panty theft is considered a form of sexual assault because it involves taking something intimate and personal without permission, which can cause emotional harm and violate personal boundaries.

Q: What can I do if I am a victim of panty theft?

A: If you are a victim of panty theft, it is important to reach out to someone you trust and seek help. You can contact law enforcement to report the incident and seek legal action. There are also support groups and organizations that can provide resources and guidance.

Q: How common is panty theft and what impact can it have on victims?

A: Panty theft is unfortunately more common than many people realize, with countless incidents occurring every year. This violation of privacy and personal space can cause emotional trauma and distress, as well as potentially lead to physical harm if the perpetrator escalates their behavior. Stealing Panties IS Sexual Assault 501(c)(3) is dedicated to raising awareness about the prevalence of panty theft and providing resources to support those who have experienced this type of sexual assault.

Q: What resources are available for victims of panty theft, and how can Stealing Panties IS Sexual Assault 501(c)(3) help?

A: Stealing Panties IS Sexual Assault 501(c)(3) offers a safe and confidential space for individuals to share their stories and seek help, as well as connecting victims with counseling and therapy services. Additionally, they provide educational materials and training programs to schools, workplaces, and other organizations to help prevent panty theft and create a safer environment for everyone. Their goal is to empower victims and provide them with the tools they need to move forward from their experience.

Q: How can I get involved and support the mission of Stealing Panties IS Sexual Assault 501(c)(3)?

A: You can get involved and support the mission of Stealing Panties IS Sexual Assault 501(c)(3) by donating directly through their website or attending one of their fundraising events. They also welcome volunteers to assist with outreach and education efforts, as well as help run their programs and events. By joining them in their fight against panty theft and sexual assault, you can help make a positive impact on the lives of countless individuals.