Thank You Champion

Dear Champion of Change,

Your contribution to the Stealing Panties IS Sexual Assault Foundation 501(c)(3) is nothing short of heroic. As the founder of this organization, I’m deeply moved by your commitment to our mission.

Your support is the beacon of light that will help us educate the world, eradicating the ignorance surrounding this often-dismissed form of sexual assault. With your generous donation, we can provide vital resources to victims, fund thorough investigations, offer replacements for those affected, and extend a helping hand in legal matters.

Every dollar you’ve given us is a step closer to creating a safer, more informed world where the dignity and rights of every individual are upheld, no matter the circumstances.

From the depths of my heart, I thank you. Together, we’re making a real difference, one step at a time. You are a true champion for change, and I’m immensely grateful for your support.

With unwavering gratitude,

Ms. Jade Ann Byrne
Founder, Stealing Panties IS Sexual Assault

Discover more from The Jade Ann Byrne Nonprofit Foundation, Stealing Panties IS Sexual Assault dot ORG

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